One Thing Your Leaders Can Do to Recover Passion

One Thing Your Leaders Can Do to Recover Passion

One Thing Your Leaders Can Do to Recover PassionKay Kotan
Published on: 05/03/2024

Have you ever had a personal issue that was really difficult to face? Perhaps you kept dancing around the core issue only dealing with the symptoms. Sometimes dealing with the

Small ChurchChurch LeadershipMinistry
It’s Time to Conquer Our Resistance of Practicing Accountable Leadership

It’s Time to Conquer Our Resistance of Practicing Accountable Leadership

It’s Time to Conquer Our Resistance of Practicing Accountable LeadershipKay Kotan
Published on: 09/01/2024

In working with church leadership, I find there is one word that challenges leaders more than anything else. That word is accountability. The word accountability seems to conjure up all

Church Leadership
The Valuable Benefits of Evaluating Effectiveness with Its Fresh Expectation

The Valuable Benefits of Evaluating Effectiveness with Its Fresh Expectation

The Valuable Benefits of Evaluating Effectiveness with Its Fresh ExpectationKay Kotan
Published on: 25/09/2023

In our final installment of the “freshness” series, we are examining fresh expectations on the value of ministry evaluation. When we evaluate ministries not for their longevity (43rd annual), their

How Would You Rate the Effectiveness of Your Leadership Board Meeting?

How Would You Rate the Effectiveness of Your Leadership Board Meeting?

How Would You Rate the Effectiveness of Your Leadership Board Meeting?Kay Kotan
Published on: 29/07/2023

Yikes, that’s a loaded question for many, isn’t it? If you ask a Millennial or Gen X-er and a Boomer this question, you might get different answers. Their expectations and

Church LeadershipAdministration